Returns data about the current user.
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | User ID |
dateCreation | datetime | Creation date |
dateTrialEnd | datetime | Trial period end date |
email | string | Email address |
name | string | User name |
lang | enum | Language: 'en' or 'fr' |
firstWeekday | enum | First day of week: 'monday' or 'sunday' |
dateFormat | enum | Date format (see below) |
timeFormat | enum | Time format (see below) |
isValid | bool | true if the account was validated (the user connected), false otherwise |
isActive | bool | true if the account was activated (the user entered her name), false otherwise |
creatorId | int | ID of the user who created this user. null if the user created her account by herself. |
creatorName | string | Name of the user who created this user. null if the user created her account by herself. |
isTrialEnded | bool | true if the trial period is over, false otherwise |
hasSubscription | bool | true if the user has a valid subscription, false otherwise |
subscriptionType | string | Subscription type: 'pro', 'business' or 'enterprise' |
organizations | array | List of organizations (see below) |
Value | Example |
%d/%m/%Y | 14/07/2019 |
%m/%d/%Y | 07/14/2019 |
%d.%m.%Y | 14.07.2019 |
%Y-%m-%d | 2019-07-14 |
Value | Example |
%H:%M | 13:04 |
%I:%M %P | 01:04 pm |
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | Organization ID |
name | string | Organization name |
dateCreation | datetime | Creation date |
lastActivity | datetime | Date of the last access of the user on this organization |
color | enum | 'red', 'pink', 'purple', 'deeppurple', 'indigo', 'blue', 'lightblue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'lightgreen', 'lime', 'yellow', 'amber', 'orange', 'deeporange', 'brown', 'gray', 'bluegray', 'black' |
creatorId | int | Creator ID |
creatorName | string | Creator name |
invitationUserId | int | ID of the user who invited the current user to this organization, or null if the current user is the organization's creator |
invitationUserName | string | Name of the user who invited the current user to this organization, or null if the current user is the organization's creator |
dateInvitation | datetime | Date of invitation, or null if the current user is the organization's creator |
dateInvitationAccepted | datetime | Date of when the invitation was accepted |
isAdmin | bool | true is the current user has administrator rights on this organization, false otherwise |