Data types

Several data types could be used in requests (GET parameters) as well as in responses (in JSON documents):

boolBoolean value (true or false)
intPlain integer value
floatFloating-point value
stringText string of any length
dateText string that contains a date, using ISO 8601 format ('YYYY-MM-DD')
datetimeText string that contains a date and time data, using ISO 8601 format ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', 24-hours format with leading zero, GMT time)
enumText string that contains one value from a defined set of possible values
setText string that contains multiple values from a defined set of possible values, separated with comas

Complex data types are used in responses (in JSON documents):

arrayList that contains sub-elements (all of the same type)
assocAssociative array (set of key/value pairs)

In GET parameters, arrays could be sent by giving the same parameter several times with square-brackets notation. For example, a list of role identifiers could be sent this way: roles[]=25&roles[]=129&roles[]=53