

Update the data of an organization.
The current user must have administrator rights.



orgIdintOrganization ID

GET parameters

namestringOrganization name
descriptionstringOrganization description
colorenumOrganization color: 'red', 'pink', 'purple', 'deeppurple', 'indigo', 'blue', 'lightblue', 'cyan', 'teal', 'green', 'lightgreen', 'lime', 'yellow', 'amber', 'orange', 'deeporange', 'brown', 'gray', 'bluegray', 'black'
workdayssetSet of week workdays: 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday'
mustAnalyzeCommentsbooltrue if comments written on projects are analyzed (AI feature), false otherwise
analyzerSensitivityenumAI analyzer sensitivity: 'low', 'medium', 'high'
slackWebhookstringSlack webhook
slackChannelstringSlack channel
txtTodoliststringOptional. Text to use instead of «Todo-list» in the interface
txtProjectstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Project» in the interface
txtProjectsstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Projects» in the interface
txtRoadmapstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Roadmap» in the interface
txtCategorystringOptional. Text to use instead of «Category» in the interface
txtCategoriesstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Categories» in the interface
txtTemplatestringOptional. Text to use instead of «Template» in the interface
txtTemplatesstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Templates» in the interface
txtMilestonestringOptional. Text to use instead of «Milestone» in the interface
txtMilestonesstringOptional. Text to use instead of «Milestones» in the interface
txtDeadlinestringOptional. Text to use instead of «Deadline» in the interface
txtValuestringOptional. Text to use instead of «Value» in the interface
txtUnitstringOptional. Text to use for the value unit in the interface