

Returns data about a project.
The current user must have access to the project.
Steps data are checked relatively to the user rights.


orgIdintOrganization ID
projectIdintProject ID


idintProject ID
dateCreationdatetimeCreation date
deadlinedateProject deadline
isLatebooltrue if the project is late, false otherwise
dateArchiveddatetimeDate of project archival
isArchivedbooltrue if the project is archived, false otherwise
isDonebooltrue if the project was marked as done, false otherwise
dateDonedatetimeDate of when the project was marked as done
priorityintPriority of the project (in the project list)
namestringProject name
valueintProject value
textstringHTML content
creatorIdintCreator ID
creatorNamestringCreator name
categoryIdintOptional. Category ID
categoryNamestringOptional. Category name
categoryColorenumOptional. Category color: 'red', 'pink', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'amber', 'deeporange', 'gray', 'black'
templateIdintOptional. Template ID
templateNamestringOptional. Template name
milestoneIdintOptional. Milestone ID
milestoneNamestringOptional. Milestone name
milestoneDateStartdateOptional. Date of the milestone's beginning (when used as a cycle/sprint).
milestoneDeadlinedateOptional. Date of the milestone's deadline
milestoneIsStartedboolOptional. true if there is a milestone and it started
milestoneIsOverboolOptional. true if there is a milestone and it ended
orgIdintOrganization ID
isAlertedbooltrue if the project is in alert mode, false otherwise
dateAlertdateOptional. Date of when the project was set in alert mode
alerterIdintOptional. Alerter ID
alerterNamestringOptional. Alerter name
userIsAssignedbooltrue if the current user is assigned on the project, false otherwise
userIsCurrentlyAssignedbooltrue if the current user is assigned on the current step, false otherwise
userIsCurrentlyValidatorbooltrue if the current user is the validator of the current step, false otherwise
stepsarrayList of steps (see below)
assignmentsarrayList of assignments (see below)
filesarrayList of files (see below)
eventsarrayList of events (see below)


idintStep ID
namestringStep name
isMandatorybooltrue if the step is mandatory, false otherwise
isWaitingbooltrue if the step is current waiting for completion or validation
deadlinedateStep deadline
isLatebooltrue if the step is late, false otherwise
dateDonedateOptional. Date of when the step was marked as done
dateValiddateOptional. Date of when the step was validated
isDonebooltrue if the step was marked as done, false otherwise
isValidbooltrue if the step was validated, false otherwise
couldBeDonebooltrue if the step could be marked as done, false otherwise
mustBeValidbooltrue is the step must be validate, false otherwise
wasLateDoneboolOptional. true if the step was marked as done after its deadline
wasLateValidboolOptional. true if the step was validated after its deadline
assignedRoleIdintOptional. Assigned role ID
assignedRoleNamestringOptional. Assigned role name
assignedUserIdintOptional. Assigned user ID
assignedUserNamestringOptional. Assigned user name
validatorRoleIdintOptional. Validator role ID
validatorRoleNamestringOptional. Validator role name
validatorUserIdintOptional. Validator user ID
validatorUserNamestringOptional. Validator user name
userIsAssignedbooltrue if the current user is assigned on this step, false otherwise
userIsValidatorbooltrue if the current user is validator of this step, false otherwise
isFinishedbooltrue if this step is completed (mark as done and validated, or marked as done, depending on its configuration), false otherwise
couldBeUndonebooltrue if this step is marked as done and could be undone, false otherwise
couldBeInvalidatedbooltrue if the step was validated and could be invalidated, false otherwise


assignmentIdintAssignment ID
assignmentDateCreationdateCreation date
userIdintAssigned user ID
userNamestringAssigned user name
roleIdintOptional. Assigned role ID
roleNamestringOptional. Assigned role name


idintFile ID
dateCreationdatetimeCreation date
statusenumFile status: 'linked' (visible on the project page), 'archived' (was part of the project but was archived and is now linked to an event)
namestringFile name
sizeintFile size in bytes
isImagebooltrue if the file is an image, false otherwise
mimetypestringFile mimetype
creatorIdintCreator ID


idintEvent ID
dateCreationdatetimeCreation date
typeenumEvent type: 'creation', 'comment', 'modification', 'check', 'uncheck', 'archive', 'unarchive', 'check_step', 'uncheck_step', 'validate_step', 'invalidate_step', 'alert', 'unalert', 'auto_alert'
datamixedAdditional data, depending on the event type
parentEventIdintOptional. Parent event ID
creatorIdintCreator ID
creatorNamestringCreator name