Returns data about a project.
The current user must have access to the project.
Steps data are checked relatively to the user rights.
Field | Type | Description |
orgId | int | Organization ID |
projectId | int | Project ID |
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | Project ID |
dateCreation | datetime | Creation date |
deadline | date | Project deadline |
isLate | bool | true if the project is late, false otherwise |
dateArchived | datetime | Date of project archival |
isArchived | bool | true if the project is archived, false otherwise |
isDone | bool | true if the project was marked as done, false otherwise |
dateDone | datetime | Date of when the project was marked as done |
priority | int | Priority of the project (in the project list) |
name | string | Project name |
value | int | Project value |
text | string | HTML content |
creatorId | int | Creator ID |
creatorName | string | Creator name |
categoryId | int | Optional. Category ID |
categoryName | string | Optional. Category name |
categoryColor | enum | Optional. Category color: 'red', 'pink', 'purple', 'blue', 'green', 'amber', 'deeporange', 'gray', 'black' |
templateId | int | Optional. Template ID |
templateName | string | Optional. Template name |
milestoneId | int | Optional. Milestone ID |
milestoneName | string | Optional. Milestone name |
milestoneDateStart | date | Optional. Date of the milestone's beginning (when used as a cycle/sprint). |
milestoneDeadline | date | Optional. Date of the milestone's deadline |
milestoneIsStarted | bool | Optional. true if there is a milestone and it started |
milestoneIsOver | bool | Optional. true if there is a milestone and it ended |
orgId | int | Organization ID |
isAlerted | bool | true if the project is in alert mode, false otherwise |
dateAlert | date | Optional. Date of when the project was set in alert mode |
alerterId | int | Optional. Alerter ID |
alerterName | string | Optional. Alerter name |
userIsAssigned | bool | true if the current user is assigned on the project, false otherwise |
userIsCurrentlyAssigned | bool | true if the current user is assigned on the current step, false otherwise |
userIsCurrentlyValidator | bool | true if the current user is the validator of the current step, false otherwise |
steps | array | List of steps (see below) |
assignments | array | List of assignments (see below) |
files | array | List of files (see below) |
events | array | List of events (see below) |
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | Step ID |
name | string | Step name |
isMandatory | bool | true if the step is mandatory, false otherwise |
isWaiting | bool | true if the step is current waiting for completion or validation |
deadline | date | Step deadline |
isLate | bool | true if the step is late, false otherwise |
dateDone | date | Optional. Date of when the step was marked as done |
dateValid | date | Optional. Date of when the step was validated |
isDone | bool | true if the step was marked as done, false otherwise |
isValid | bool | true if the step was validated, false otherwise |
couldBeDone | bool | true if the step could be marked as done, false otherwise |
mustBeValid | bool | true is the step must be validate, false otherwise |
wasLateDone | bool | Optional. true if the step was marked as done after its deadline |
wasLateValid | bool | Optional. true if the step was validated after its deadline |
assignedRoleId | int | Optional. Assigned role ID |
assignedRoleName | string | Optional. Assigned role name |
assignedUserId | int | Optional. Assigned user ID |
assignedUserName | string | Optional. Assigned user name |
validatorRoleId | int | Optional. Validator role ID |
validatorRoleName | string | Optional. Validator role name |
validatorUserId | int | Optional. Validator user ID |
validatorUserName | string | Optional. Validator user name |
userIsAssigned | bool | true if the current user is assigned on this step, false otherwise |
userIsValidator | bool | true if the current user is validator of this step, false otherwise |
isFinished | bool | true if this step is completed (mark as done and validated, or marked as done, depending on its configuration), false otherwise |
couldBeUndone | bool | true if this step is marked as done and could be undone, false otherwise |
couldBeInvalidated | bool | true if the step was validated and could be invalidated, false otherwise |
Field | Type | Description |
assignmentId | int | Assignment ID |
assignmentDateCreation | date | Creation date |
userId | int | Assigned user ID |
userName | string | Assigned user name |
roleId | int | Optional. Assigned role ID |
roleName | string | Optional. Assigned role name |
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | File ID |
dateCreation | datetime | Creation date |
status | enum | File status: 'linked' (visible on the project page), 'archived' (was part of the project but was archived and is now linked to an event) |
name | string | File name |
size | int | File size in bytes |
isImage | bool | true if the file is an image, false otherwise |
mimetype | string | File mimetype |
creatorId | int | Creator ID |
Field | Type | Description |
id | int | Event ID |
dateCreation | datetime | Creation date |
type | enum | Event type: 'creation', 'comment', 'modification', 'check', 'uncheck', 'archive', 'unarchive', 'check_step', 'uncheck_step', 'validate_step', 'invalidate_step', 'alert', 'unalert', 'auto_alert' |
data | mixed | Additional data, depending on the event type |
parentEventId | int | Optional. Parent event ID |
creatorId | int | Creator ID |
creatorName | string | Creator name |