

Update a previously created project.
The current user must:

  • be an administrator of the organization
  • or have project management rights
  • or be assigned to the project with assignment on the currently active step.



orgIdintOrganization ID
projectIdintProject ID

GET parameters

Basic parameters

namestringProject name
descriptionstringHTML content of the project
deleteFilesarrayList of identifiers of the attached files that must be archived.

Extended parameters

These parameters will be used only if the current user is an administrator of the organization, or if she has project management rights.

Basic extended parameters

categoryIdintOptional. Category ID.
templateIdintOptional. Template ID.
valueintOptional. Value.
milestoneIdintOptional. Milestone ID. 1
deadlinedateOptional. Project deadline. 1

1: If the milestoneId parameter is set, the deadline parameter is not used, and then the project deadline will be equal to the milestone deadline.

Steps definition

stepIdsarrayList of ID of the steps activated for this project.

For each activated step:

step-stepId-mandatoryboolOptional. true if the given step is mandatory. Default value: false.
deadline-step-stepIddateOptional. Deadline of the given step.
assignedRoleId-stepIdintOptional. Assigned role ID for the given step. 2
assignedUserId-stepIdintOptional. Assigned user ID for the given step. 2
validatorRoleId-stepIdintOptional. Validator role ID for the given step. 3
validatorUserId-stepIdintOptional. Validator user ID for the given step. 3

2: If the assignedRoleId-stepId parameter is set, the assignedUserId-stepId is not used.
3: If the validatorRoleId-stepId parameter is set, the validatorUserId-stepId is not used.

Stakeholders definition

stakeholderIdarrayList of stakeholder IDs.
stakeholderRolearrayList of associated role IDs, in the same order as the list of stakeholder IDs. Set to null if a stakeholder does not have a dedicated role (so-called Observer role).