Update a previously created project.
The current user must:
- be an administrator of the organization
- or have project management rights
- or be assigned to the project with assignment on the currently active step.
Field | Type | Description |
orgId | int | Organization ID |
projectId | int | Project ID |
GET parameters
Basic parameters
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Project name |
description | string | HTML content of the project |
deleteFiles | array | List of identifiers of the attached files that must be archived. |
Extended parameters
These parameters will be used only if the current user is an administrator of the organization, or if she has project management rights.
Basic extended parameters
Field | Type | Description |
categoryId | int | Optional. Category ID. |
templateId | int | Optional. Template ID. |
value | int | Optional. Value. |
milestoneId | int | Optional. Milestone ID. 1 |
deadline | date | Optional. Project deadline. 1 |
1: If the milestoneId parameter is set, the deadline parameter is not used, and then the project deadline will be equal to the milestone deadline.
Steps definition
Field | Type | Description |
stepIds | array | List of ID of the steps activated for this project. |
For each activated step:
Field | Type | Description |
step-stepId-mandatory | bool | Optional. true if the given step is mandatory. Default value: false. |
deadline-step-stepId | date | Optional. Deadline of the given step. |
assignedRoleId-stepId | int | Optional. Assigned role ID for the given step. 2 |
assignedUserId-stepId | int | Optional. Assigned user ID for the given step. 2 |
validatorRoleId-stepId | int | Optional. Validator role ID for the given step. 3 |
validatorUserId-stepId | int | Optional. Validator user ID for the given step. 3 |
2: If the assignedRoleId-stepId parameter is set, the assignedUserId-stepId is not used.
3: If the validatorRoleId-stepId parameter is set, the validatorUserId-stepId is not used.
Stakeholders definition
Field | Type | Description |
stakeholderId | array | List of stakeholder IDs. |
stakeholderRole | array | List of associated role IDs, in the same order as the list of stakeholder IDs. Set to null if a stakeholder does not have a dedicated role (so-called Observer role). |